Season 1, Episode 2: BIG We on a Little Island: Wisdom from Hawaii with Norma Wong & Na’alehu Anthony
Calvin and Anasa take the Year of Return to Hawaii with special guests Zen Master Norma Wong and filmmaker Na’alehu Anthony, exploring the powerful Native Hawaiian movement that's reclaiming indigenous language as a pathway to the future—and sailing Polynesian canoes around the world!
Norma Wong is a Zen teacher and strategy practitioner. In earlier years, Wong served as a Hawai‘i state legislator, on the policy and strategy team for Governor John Waihee with federal and Native Hawaiian portfolios, and community organizing and policy work in the Native Hawaiian (indigenous) community. She was active in electoral politics for over thirty years. Current and recent work include: strategic thinking and transformational development. Wong is a teacher at the Institute of Zen Studies and Daihonzan Chozen-ji, having trained in Zen for nearly 40 years. She serves practice communities in Hawai‘i, across the continental U.S., and in Toronto, Canada. Among her areas of teaching: the Zen perspective of strategy and The Art of War; leadership and strategy in the 7 generations context; and mind-body practice in secular and organizational settings. She received her inka shomei (Mind Stamp) as an 86th generation Zen Master of Chozen-ji.
Nāʻālehu Anthony is a Native Hawaiian from Kaʻaʻawa, O’ahu and is the founder of Palikū Documentary Films - a production company that focuses on documentaries and oral histories with a special emphasis on Hawaiʻi and its people. Nāʻālehu’s other great passion is being a part of the voyaging community. As a crew member since 1995 and more recently as a captain aboard Hōkūleʻa, his voyaging experiences have shaped and defined him as a person and has been a focal point for his films. Anthony is also the CEO for ʻŌiwi Television Network, the first and only Hawaiian owned and operated television network. Nāʻālehu’s upbringing, education, and experience led him to pursue his most recent role in the community as Vice Chairman and Oʻahu Commissioner for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. His recent film, MOANANUIĀKEA: ONE OCEAN ONE PEOPLE ONE CANOE, a documentary celebrating Hōkūleʻa’s historic Mālama Honua Voyage, premiered at the Hawai‘i International Film Festival November 2018.
Theme music by Pacita Rudder
Transition music by Kawika Kahiapo